Sunday, November 2, 2008


  • What do School Teachers and Sumo wrestlers have in common?
We all learn to respond to incentives, -ve and +ve, from the outset of life. An incentive is a bullet, a lever, a key:an often tiny object with astonishing power to change a situation. It simply means of urging people to do more of a good thing and less of a bad thing. There are basic 3 flavors of incentive: economic, social and moral. Very often a single incentive scheme will include all 3 varieties.
So if sumo wrestlers, schoolteachers,and day care parents all cheat, are we to assume that mankind is innately & universally corrupt? And if corrupt?

  • Where have all the Criminals gone?
In 1966, one yr after Nicolae Ceausescu became the communist dictator of Romania, he made abortion illegal. "The fetus is the property of the entire society,". Anyone who avoids having children is a deserter who abandons the laws of national continuity."
Ceausescu's ban on abortion was designed to achieve one of his major aims:to rapidly strengthen Romania by boosting its population. Abortion was in fact the main form of birth control, with four abortions for every live birth. Now virtually overnight, abortion was forbidden. The only exemption were mothers who already had four children or women with significant standing in the communist party. At the same time, all contraception and sex education were banned. Govt agents sardonically known as the Menstrual Police regularly rounded up women in their woek places to administer pregnancy tests. If woman repeatedly failed to concieve, she was forced to pay a steep "celibacy tax"

Crime drop explanations: Tougher gun laws.
Debates on this subject are rarely coolheaded. Gun advocates believe that gun laws are too strict: opponents believe exactly the opp. What is gun? - Its a tool that can be used to kill someone, of course, but more significantly, a gun is a great disrupter of the natural order.

What the link between abortion and crime does say is this: when the govt gives a woman the opportunity to make her own decisions about abortion, she generally does a good job of figuring out if she is in a position to raise the baby well. If she decides she can't she often chooses the abortion.

But once a woman decides she will have her baby, a pressing question arises, what are parents supposed to do once a child is born??

  • What makes a perfect parent?
What I don;t agree to :Moms and dads achieving excellence in parenting, stressing how imp it is to train a baby , early on to sleep alone through the night.

What I agree: Co- Sleeping. Sleeping alone is harmful for a baby's psyche and that he shoould be brought into the "family bed".

It is also believed that a crying baby should never be picked up unless it is in pain. As Holt, explained , a baby should be left to cry for 15-30 minutes a day as it's the baby's exercise.

Consider the parents of an 8yr old girl named, say Molly. Her 2 best friends, Amy and Imani each live nearby. Molly;s parents know that Amy's parents keep a gun in their house, so they have forbidden Molly to play there. Instead, Molly spend a lot of time at Imani's house, which has a swimming pool in the backyard. Molly's parents feel good about having made such a smart choice to protect their daughter.

But acc to the data their choice isn't smart at all. In a given year, there is one drowning of a child for every 11,000 residential pools in the US. Mean while there is 1 child killed by gun for every 1 million plus guns. So why is a swimming pool less frightening than a gun? The thought of a child being shot through the chest with a neighbor's gun is gruesome, dramatic, horrifying-in a word, outrageous. Swimming pools do not inspire outrage. This is due in part to the familiarity factor. Just as most people spend more time in cars than in airplanes, most of us have a lot more exp swimming in pools than shooting guns. But it takes only about thirty seconds for a child to drown, and it often happens noiselessly. An infant can drown in water as shallow as a few inches. The steps to prevent drowning, meanwhile are pretty straightforward: a watchful adult, a fence around the pool, a locked back door so a toddler doesn't slip outside unnoticed.

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